Sunday, November 8, 2009

Introduction to me, myself and my bolg

Hello everyone, I am writing this blog to express what I feel, what I felt and also share my experiences throughout my life. All the people that I met in my entire life have touched and influenced me in some way or the other. But there was and is something common in all of them....they all had and till date have presumptions about me which are 70% false (not accurate). I never tried to explain myself to anyone before nor do i wish to do it now but if they/YOU understand me by reading this, then I will be obliged. Throughout this blog I will share my experiences and try to put in such a manner that it sounds amusing, makes you laugh, smile, touch your heart and most of all make you think is this the guy I know or if you get my point DID I EVER KNOW THIS GUY....... I hope to make this blog interesting but if its not or you dont feel then just dont read it because it doesnt even matter NOW........